
Integrated pipelines that use topiary for ASR.


Pipeline that starts from an alignment, finds the best phylogenetic model, builds a maximum likelihood tree, reconciles this tree with the species tree, and then infers ancestral proteins.

topiary.pipeline.alignment_to_ancestors.alignment_to_ancestors(df, out_dir=None, starting_tree=None, no_bootstrap=False, force_reconcile=False, force_no_reconcile=False, horizontal_transfer=False, alt_cutoff=0.25, model_matrices=['cpREV', 'Dayhoff', 'DCMut', 'DEN', 'Blosum62', 'FLU', 'HIVb', 'HIVw', 'JTT', 'JTT-DCMut', 'LG', 'mtART', 'mtMAM', 'mtREV', 'mtZOA', 'PMB', 'rtREV', 'stmtREV', 'VT', 'WAG'], model_rates=['', 'G8'], model_freqs=['', 'FC', 'FO'], model_invariant=['', 'IC', 'IO'], restart=False, overwrite=False, num_threads=-1, raxml_binary='raxml-ng', generax_binary='generax')

Given an alignment, find the best phylogenetic model, build a maximum- likelihood tree, reconcile this tree with the species tree, and then infer ancestral protein sequences. Reconciliation is not done for df that only have bacterial sequences. User can force reconciliation to happen or not, regardless of species in df, using force_reconcile and force_no_reconcile.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame or str) – topiary data frame or csv written out from topiary df. This topiary dataframe should have an alignment column.

  • out_dir (str, optional) – output directory. If not specified, create an output directory with the format “alignment-to-ancestors_{counter}” (where counter increments so previous directories are not overwritten).

  • starting_tree (str, optional) – tree in newick format. This will be used for the best model inference and starting tree for the maximum likelihood tree estimation. If not specified, the maximum parsimony tree is generated and used.

  • no_bootstrap (bool, default=False) – do not do bootstrap replicates

  • force_reconcile (bool, default=False) – reconcile gene and species trees

  • force_no_reconcile (bool, default=False) – do not reconcile gene and species trees

  • horizontal_transfer (bool, default=False) – whether to allow horizontal transfer during reconciliation. Default is to not allow transfer (UndatedDL). If set, use undated DTL.

  • alt_cutoff (float, default=0.25) – cutoff to use for altAll alternate ancestral protein sequence generation. Should be between 0 and 1.

  • model_matrices (list, default=["cpREV","Dayhoff","DCMut","DEN","Blosum62","FLU","HIVb","HIVw","JTT","JTT-DCMut","LG","mtART","mtMAM","mtREV","mtZOA","PMB","rtREV","stmtREV","VT","WAG"]) – list of model matrices to check. If calling from command line, these can be specified directly (--model_matrices LG JTT ...) or by specifying a file with models on each line (--model_matrices SOME_FILE)

  • model_rates (list, default=["","G8"]) – ways to treat model rates. If calling from command line, these can be specified directly (--model_rates G8 ...) or by specifying a file with rates on each line (--model_rates SOME_FILE)

  • model_freqs (list, default=["","FC","FO"]) – ways to treat model freqs. If calling from command line, these can be specified directly (--model_freqs FC FO ...) or by specifying a file with freqs on each line (--model_freqs SOME_FILE)

  • model_invariant (list, default=["","IC","IO"]) – ways to treat invariant alignment columns. If calling from command line, these can be specified directly (--model_invariant IC IO ...) or by specifying a file with invariants on each line (--model_invariant SOME_FILE)

  • restart (bool, default=False) – restart job from where it stopped in output directory. incompatible with overwrite

  • overwrite (bool, default=False) – whether or not to overwrite existing output. incompatible with restart

  • num_threads (int, default=-1) – number of threads to use. if -1 use all available

  • raxml_binary (str, optional) – raxml binary to use

  • generax_binary (str, optional) – what generax binary to use


Final step on the pipeline. Run replicates in embarrassingly parallel fashion across compute nodes using MPI.

topiary.pipeline.bootstrap_reconcile.bootstrap_reconcile(previous_run_dir, num_threads, restart=False, overwrite=False, raxml_binary='raxml-ng', generax_binary='generax')

Perform a bootstrap branch support calculation for the gene/species tree reconciliation portion of the analysis.


previous pipeline run directory. Should have a directory named xx_*bootstraps*, where xx is an integer and * are any value.


number of threads to use. GeneRax uses MPI for parallelization; num_threads correspond to the number of “slots” in MPI lingo. This job can be massively parallelized as there is no cross-talk between replicates, so feel free to span this across as many compute nodes as you like.

restartbool, default=False

restart job from where it stopped in output directory. incompatible with overwrite

overwritebool, default=False

whether or not to overwrite existing output. incompatible with restart. This will overwrite an existing 05_reconciliation-bootstraps directory, not the rest of the pipeline directory.

threadsint, default=-1

number of threads to use. if -1 use all available

raxml_binarystr, optional

raxml binary to use

generax_binarystr, optional

what generax binary to use


Pipeline that takes a seed dataframe, BLASTS to find sequence hits, performs quality control, lowers alignment redundancy in a taxonomically informed fashion, and generates an alignment.

topiary.pipeline.seed_to_alignment.seed_to_alignment(seed_df, out_dir=None, seqs_per_column=1, max_seq_number=500, redundancy_cutoff=0.9, worst_align_drop_fx=0.1, sparse_column_cutoff=0.8, align_trim=(0.05, 0.95), force_species_aware=False, force_not_species_aware=False, ncbi_blast_db=None, local_blast_db=None, blast_xml=None, move_mrca_up_by=2, local_recip_blast_db=None, min_call_prob=0.95, partition_temp=1, hitlist_size=5000, e_value_cutoff=0.001, gapcosts=(11, 1), num_ncbi_blast_threads=1, num_local_blast_threads=-1, restart=False, overwrite=False, keep_recip_blast_xml=False)

Pipeline that takes a seed dataframe, BLASTs to find sequence hits, performs quality control, lowers alignment redundancy in a taxonomically informed fashion, and generates an alignment.

  • seed_df (pandas.DataFrame or str) – Spreadsheet with at least four columns: name, species, sequence, and aliases. Can either be a pandas.DataFrame or a string pointing to a spreadsheet file. For details on seed dataframes, see the [documentation](

  • out_dir (str, optional) – Output directory. If not specified, create an output directory with the format “seed-to-alignment_{counter}” (where counter increments so previous directories are not overwritten).

  • seqs_per_column (float, default=1) – Aim to have this number of sequences per column in the key species sequences. (For example, if the key sequence is 100 amino acids long, seqs_per_column=1 would aim for 100 sequences; 2 would aim for 200 sequences).

  • max_seq_number (int, default=500) – Maximum number of sequences to get, regardless of seqs_per_column and key sequence length.

  • redundancy_cutoff (float, default=0.90) – Remove redundant sequences from closely related species is they have a sequence identity above redundancy_cutoff.

  • worst_align_drop_fx (float, default=0.1) – After alignment, drop approximately this fraction of the sequences, selecting those that have long insertions and are missing chunks of sequences

  • sparse_column_cutoff (float, default=0.80) – When checking alignment quality, a column is sparse if it has gaps in more than sparse_column_cutoff sequences.

  • align_trim (tuple, default=(0.05,0.95)) – When checking alignment quality, do not score the first and last parts of the alignment. Interpreted like a python list slice, but with percentages. (0.0,1.0) would not trim; (0.05,0,98) would trim the first 0.05 off the front and the last 0.02 off the back.

  • force_species_aware (bool, default=False) – Lower redundancy in a species-aware fashion, regardless of dataset type. By default, topiary will lower sequence redundancy in a species-aware fashion for non-microbial datasets, and in a non-species aware fashion for microbial datasets. If True, do species aware.

  • force_not_species_aware (bool, default=False) – Lower redundancy in a non-species-aware fashion, regardless of dataset type. By default, topiary will lower sequence redundancy in a species-aware fashion for non-microbial datasets, and in a non-species aware fashion for microbial datasets. If True, do not do species aware.

  • ncbi_blast_db (str, optional) – NCBI blast database to use. (If ncbi_blast_db, local_blast_db and blast_xml are all None, ncbi_blast_db is automatically set to “nr”).

  • local_blast_db (str, optional) – Local blast database to use.

  • blast_xml (str or list, optional) –

    Previously generated blast xml files to load. This argument can be:

    • single xml file (str)

    • list of xml files (list of str)

    • directory (str). Code will grab all .xml files in the directory.

  • move_mrca_up_by (int, default=2) – When inferring the phylogenetic context from the seed dataframe, get the most recent common ancestor of the seed species, then find the taxonomic rank “move_mrca_up_by” levels above that ancestor. For example, if the key species all come from marsupials (Theria) and move_mrca_up_by == 2, the context will be Amniota (Theria -> Mammalia -> Amniota). Note: if all species in the dataset are bacteria or archaea, this argument is ignored and the context will be set to Bacteria or Archaea.

  • local_recip_blast_db (str, optional) – Local blast database to use for reciprocal blast. If None, construct a reciprocal blast database by downloading the proteomes of the key species from the ncbi.

  • min_call_prob (float, default=0.95) – Hits from all paralogs that yield a regular expression match to one of the aliases from the seed dataframe are weighted by their relative blast bit scores. Each paralog is assigned a relative probability. This cutoff is the minimum probability the best paralog match must have to result in a paralog call. Value should be between 0 and 1 (not inclusive), where increasing min_call_prob increases the stringency.

  • partition_temp (float, default=1) – When calculating posterior probability of the reciprocal blast paralog call, use this for weighting: 2^(bit_score/partition_temp). partition_temp should be a float > 0. A higher value corresponds to a higher stringency. (The bit score difference between the best hit and the bit scores of other hits would have to be higher to be significant). This is a minium value. It may be adjusted automatically to avoid numerical problems in the calculation.

  • hitlist_size (int, default=5000) – Download only the top hitlist_size hits in initial BLAST.

  • e_value_cutoff (float, default=0.001) – Only take hits with e_value better than e_value_cutoff in initial blast

  • gapcost (tuple, default=(11,1)) – BLAST gapcosts (length 2 tuple of ints) in initial BLAST. The raw score of an alignment is the sum of the scores for aligning pairs of residues and the scores for gaps. This BLAST search will charge a score gapcost[0] for the existence of a gap, and the score of gapcost[1] for each residue in the gap. Thus a gap of k residues receives a total score of -(gapcost[0] + gapcost[1]*k). The default ((11,1)) gives scores of -(11 + 1*k) for each gap with :code:`k residues.

  • num_ncbi_blast_threads (int, default=1) – Number of threads to use for NCBI blast. -1 means use all available. (The default is 1; multithreading rarely speeds up remote BLAST).

  • num_local_blast_threads (int, default=-1) – Number of threads to use for local blast. -1 means all available.

  • restart (bool, default=False) – Restart the pipeline from where it stopped in out_dir. To use this option, out_dir must be specified and point to an existing calculation. This option is incompatible with overwrite = True.

  • overwrite (bool, default=False) – Overwrite out_dir if it already exists. This is incompatible with restart = True.

  • keep_recip_blast_xml (bool, default=False) – Whether or not to keep raw blast xml files generated by the pipeline.


topiary_dataframe – Topiary dataframe with aligned, quality-controlled sequences.

Return type:
