Data structures and API philosophy

Data structures

Under the hood, topiary uses pandas dataframes to manage the phylogenetic data in the project. For those unfamiliar with dataframes, these are essentially spreadsheets with a row for each sequence and columns holding various features of that sequence. These dataframes can be readily written out and read from spreadsheet files (.csv, .tsv, .xlsx).

Topiary is built around two types of dataframes:

  • seed dataframe: A manually constructed dataframe containing seed sequences that topiary uses as input to construct a full topiary dataframe for the project.

  • topiary dataframe: The main structure for holding sequences and information about those sequences. Each step in the pipeline edits, saves out, and then returns the main dataframe. This allows one to follow the steps and/or manually introduce changes.

topiary dataframe

A topiary dataframe must have three columns:

  • name: a name for the sequence. This does not have to be unique.

  • sequence: the amino acid sequence. This does not have to be unique.

  • species: the species name for this sequence (binomial, i.e. Homo sapiens or Thermus thermophilus).

Topiary will automatically add a few more columns if not present.

  • keep: a boolean (True/False) column indicating whether or not to use the sequence in the analysis. Topiary will not delete a sequence from the dataset, but instead set keep = False.

  • uid: a unique 10-letter identifier for this sequence.


uid values should never be modified by the user.

  • ott: The opentreeoflife reference taxonomy identifier for the sequence species. This will have the form ottINTEGER (i.e. ott770315 for Homo sapiens and ott276534 for Thermus thermophilus).

Topiary reserves a few more columns that may or may not be used:

  • alignment: an aligned version of the sequence. All sequences in the alignment column must have the same length.

  • always_keep: a boolean (True/False) column indicating whether or not topiary can drop the sequence from the analysis.

In addition, specific topiary analyses may add new columns. For example, recip_blast will add multiple columns such as recip_paralog and recip_prob_match.

Other user-specified columns are allowed.


There are two basic ways to construct a topiary dataframe:

  • io.df_from_seed: construct topiary dataframe from a seed dataframe. Depending on the options selected, topiary will add sequences using BLAST or will read sequences from a list of pre-prepared BLAST xml files.

  • Construct the dataframe manually.

Reading and writing

Topiary dataframes are standard pandas dataframes and can thus be written to and read from various spreadsheet formats. We recommend using topiary’s built-in functions to read and write the dataframes (topiary.read_dataframe and topiary.write_dataframe). These functions will preserve/check column formats etc.


You can manually edit a topiary dataframe using pandas operations or using a spreadsheet program (i.e. Excel). If you manually edit a dataframe, make sure that all sequences have unique uid and that all sequences in the alignment column, if present, have identical length.

seed dataframe

A seed dataframe must have four columns:

  • name: name of each sequence. This will usually be a short, useful name for the paralog.

  • species: species names for seed sequences in binomial format (i.e. Homo sapiens or Thermus thermophilus).

  • aliases: other names for each protein that may be used in various databases/species, separated by ;.

  • sequence: amino acid sequences for these proteins.

Example seed dataframe






lymphocyte antigen 96;MD2;ESOP1;Myeloid Differentiation Protein-2

Homo sapiens



lymphocyte antigen 96;MD2;ESOP1;Myeloid Differentiation Protein-2

Danio rerio



lymphocyte antigen 86;MD1;Myeloid Differentiation Protein-1

Homo sapiens



lymphocyte antigen 86;MD1;Myeloid Differentiation Protein-1

Danio rerio


See the protocol for description of how to make these dataframes.

paralog patterns

This data structure is how topiary does things like search through descriptions of reciprocal BLAST hits to call sequence orthology. This is a dictionary keying the name of each paralog to either a list of aliases or a compiled regular expression for the aliases that maps to the name. (If you send in a paralog pattern as a list of aliases, topiary will automatically compile the regular expressions). When running the seed-to-alignment pipeline, this structure is automatically generated from the seed dataframe.

A quick example. This dictionary indicates that the strings "MD2", "ESOP1", etc. should all be interpreted as really being "LY96".

pp = {"LY96":["MD2",
              "myeloid differentiation protein 2",
              "lymphocyte antigen 96"],
      "LY86":["Lymphocyte Antigen 86",
              "Myeloid Differentiation Protein-1",
              "RP105-associated 3",

It can be compiled into a set of regular expressions by:

# gives
{'LY96': re.compile(r'esop[\ \-_\.]*1|ly[\ \-_\.]*96|lymphocyte[\ \-_\.]*antigen[\ \-_\.]*96|md[\ \-_\.]*2|myeloid[\ \-_\.]*differentiation[\ \-_\.]*protein[\ \-_\.]*2',re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE),
 'LY86': re.compile(r'ly[\ \-_\.]*86|lymphocyte[\ \-_\.]*antigen[\ \-_\.]*86|md[\ \-_\.]*1|mmd[\ \-_\.]*1|myeloid[\ \-_\.]*differentiation[\ \-_\.]*protein[\ \-_\.]*1|rp[\ \-_\.]*105[\ \-_\.]*associated[\ \-_\.]*3',re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE)}

A couple of notes on how this is compiled.

  1. topiary automatically adds different separators to the regular expression. For example, for "MD2" topiary will look for "MD2", "MD 2", "MD-2", "MD_2", and "MD.2". It inserts separators between letters and numbers or any time there is a space/separator in the alias.

  2. topiary does it’s best to make sure the regular expressions are unique and will throw an error if the regex for one paralog pulls up a different paralog.

  3. topiary puts the name itself (e.g., "LY96" above) and adds it into the compiled regular expression.

If you want to send in your own regular expressions, you can either create a paralog pattern dictionary manually (using re.compile) or by creating a compiled paralog pattern dictionary by calling using it’s more flexible options.

API philosophy


The basic idea for the topiary API is to have each function take a topiary dataframe as an argument and to then return a modified copy of that dataframe as an output. This allows one to write pipelines, as well as easily save out intermediate steps. The basic flow goes something like:

df = topiary.do_something(df,args)

The main topiary functions take a topiary dataframe as their first argument, other arguments needed by the function, and then return an appropriately modified copy of the dataframe. Topiary functions generally modify dataframes by adding columns with new information and/or by setting the keep column to True or False. The modified dataframe can then be written out to a csv file to preserve the current state of the dataframe.

The following code block shows the core of the alignment redundancy reduction pipeline as one might run it via the API:

import topiary

df = topiary.read_dataframe("some_dataframe.csv")

df = topiary.quality.shrink_in_species(df)

df = topiary.quality.shrink_redundant(df)

df = topiary.quality.shrink_aligners(df)

Run directories

For the wrapped software that generates output in directories (basically, everything after the seed to alignment step), topiary uses a stereotyped format for all directories.


  • input: input files for the calculation

  • working: temporary files used when doing the calculation

  • output: final output files for the calculation

  • run_parameters.json: file holding the run parameters

This is managed by a private API class (topiary._private.supervisor.Supervisor) that can read, write, and manipulate these directories. This class is documented in the source code and unit tests; advanced users can check those out if they want to run their own Supervisor-enabled function calls. It remains a private API class because we do not guarantee it’s current functionality in future release. Any user-written code employing a Supervisor may break without warning.